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The mission is reducing costs for healthcare administration and the company supplies services for increasing the efficiency of flows, costs and business within the healthcare sector. Conscriptor began its’ journey in 2006 and has since then grown quickly. Today the company employs roughly 90 people. The Swedish business magazine Dagens Industri elected Conscriptor as a fast growing “gazelle company” in 2009 and 2010.

My medical profile

Medical Profile in Sweden AB was founded in March/April 2009 after the acquisition of FAP – First Aid Profile AB, a company that has developed the basic technology for the service since 2003. The development was done in close cooperation with emergency and prehospital medical services and in contact with various public authorities. Nordiska Resultatgruppen established MMP together with a group of owners and started developing the concept further. NRG acquired all shares of MMP at the end of 2010 aiming to create synergies with


Introducing new ways of delivering more care for money spent, and to ensure delivering high end service to our patients, Vårdhuset was introduced 2012. Running two healthcare centers in the South of Sweden, we deliver public care with excellence. Less administration, outsourced non-core business and a committed staff, give us leverage. We are committed to facilitating on the absolut edge of the possibilities of new technology, and we are monitoring development carefully. Expansion is ahead and we know that this part of our business will create far more winners than us alone.

Conscriptor Säljstöd

As the name implies, we are devoted to sales support and customer care. Founded many years ago with pharmaceutical industry sales support as basis and main business, we have taken on a journey that has brought us to todays’ modern, flexibel, full service sales support department for hire. Pay as you go for incoming or outgoing calls, sales planning, customer care, booking of meetings, customer polls or any other related business. We are here for you when you need excellent performance with competitive and efficient pricing.


Nrg wants to be involved and change and contribute to a shift in a traditional industry.
With TruPayer we are introducing new ways to pay your trip. In an industry that has not changed its demands for advance payments as new payment services have grown, the solution meets a need. The guest should simply experience first and pay late.


Vi ser att bostadsmarknaden blir allt mer trögrörlig med inlåsningseffekter i kombination med ett hämmande regelverk hos landets banker som försvårar finansiering av bostäder. Detta skapar ett behov för kort och långsiktig lagring för många människor – främst yngre. Gruppens stora intresse för digitalisering i kombination med behov av en sann flexlibilitet gör att vi ser en möjlighet för ett nytt typ av self-storge koncept som möter dagens boendesituation.

Vårt koncept utgår från befintliga fastigheter med befintliga kassaflöden i centrala lägen där vårt koncept adderar stora värden till fastigheten i form av kraftiga hyresförstärkningar. Viktiga nycklar för vår framgång består av hög flexibilitet, digitalisering av kundresan, etablering på mindre orter på mindre yta för att minimera bundet kapital, samt ingen fast bemanning på anläggningen.


Perfection and Performance – the leading star of the Brandskär Leisure Craft.
With distinguished handling – The Brandskär is safe and comfortable at sea in all weathers.
The construction offers built in safety and endurance in any condition.
Designed for professional use as well as for leisure, the shipyard always strives for perfection. This perfection is found in every detail and gives the magic experience of The Brandskär.
Our designers construct for Swedish maritime rescue. Nothing left by chance.
As from mid 2017, NRG has invested in the shipyard to safeguard an increased market presence and to assist in the development of a new model program. All for the benefit of our customers.


Min Patientjournal

Min Patientjournal is an innovative service developed for the future patient who seeks commitment, service and involvement and for the caregivers who believe in and want to work with patient empowerment, health promoting and outreaching activities. This service navigates uniquely with regards to the patient data act and the security levels are equivalent to those used in bank solutions. The group behind the service is a team consisting of inventive and experienced individuals who base parts of the development on proven results from innovative healthcare organizations in the United States.